Thursday, August 29, 2013

Character Builders #33 &34

Most successful stories find the boundaries of their characters and push at them. Identify where your character draws their lines and them put them in situations which defy them. For example: 

Would your character ever steal something? "Borrow" with the intent to return? Download something illegally? Take only from the rich? 

If the answer to any of these is no, of course it's your duty as author and serial character tormentor to place them into a scenario in which these happen for whatever reason. If the answer is yes, how much is too much? Do you have the sort of character who'd gladly empty the coffers of a local lord but stop at robbing an orphanage? Do you have an internet pirate who steals everything from movies to music, but won't steal video games? Ask yourself why. Maybe he has a beloved relative who's a game designer, or maybe he thinks it's easier to get caught. Find out why he steals. Convenience? Is he broke? Is he terrified of the government tracking devices he suspects are included with all Blu Rays? 

What's your character's most steadfast conviction? In what do they believe so thoroughly that neither logic nor irrational doubt will sway them? 

And again, it's your job to utterly trash or validate that. Let's say our downloader is faced with the piece of evidence that proves the government involvement with the makers of DVDs. Does anyone believe him? How does he feel knowing now that he is correct? Let's say that our pious do-gooder who'd never even accidentally steal a BIC pen is confronted with the horrifying truth- the parent who brought them up that way is an embezzeler. How do they react? 

How's that Day Job Challenge going? To be honest, mine has flagged- continued dental torture (I mean procedures) left me feeling as though there are a dozen and one valid excuses for me not to sit down for ten measly minutes and write whatever pops into my mind. For shame, Cate, for shame. Getting back up on that horse just as soon as I sign off here. For those of you still on the wagon, props and congratulations are in order. Let's keep moving together, shall we? Start by shaking some characters to their foundations.

All prompts on this blog are free for personal and instructional use, but may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. 

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