Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Character Builders #29 & 30

Nothing to fear but fear itself, perhaps, but fear is a strong motivator. Even the most heroic characters must have fears, and you as the author must know what they are.

How fearful is your character? For what or whom are they brave? Of what are they so afraid that no amount of courage will motivate them? 


How does your character cope in the face of fear? How has that changed over their years? How has it stayed the same? 

Understanding this, your responsibility as author is now to throw that fear at them. You've already done the legwork.

This special edition of the blog comes to you courtesy of the emergency oral surgery I need to have tomorrow (guess what my irrational fear is!). I hope very much that I'll be up and about on Thursday to bring you all the fun and scintillating questions and prompts that Plot Hole was meant for. If not, expect an extra large helping on Saturday. Wish me luck, internet.

All prompts on this blog are free for personal and instructional use, but may not be republished without the permission of the author. 

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