Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello, Internet

The little flashing line at the top of a fresh document. Inviting, but intimidating. Like a blind date, you're never quite sure where this document will take you. Maybe you'll commit to this one and publish it, post it, turn it in, whatever you want to do with it. Or maybe the spark just won't be there and you'll give it the old "it's not me, it's you." So many possibilities in a little blinking line. So where to start?

Just like with a date, we start with hello. We talk a little bit about where this whole thing is going- but not too much, or we risk overloading our new acquaintance, freaking them out. We introduce ourselves.

Hi, I'm Cate. I'm an aspiring young adult writer living currently in Southern California with her speculative fiction writer husband, two cats, and two writerly housemates (and one nonwriterly one, but he's still awesome). I'm starting this blog because (surprise!) I like to write. I also like to talk to other writers about writing. I like to write about writing.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'll post writing questions, prompts, character dating advice, a polemic or two, and lots of other fun writing based stuff.  I'll try to coax my housemates and other writerly folk to send in some guest posts. I might review a book or two.

Full disclosure- I identify as a writer because I write, not necessarily because I've gotten published and have lots and lots of super sage advice. I definitely have a day job. I'm coming at this blog from the perspective of someone who really loves the act of writing, thinking about writing, helping other people think about writing, and reading other people's writing.

That said: hello, Internet. Let's have some fun.

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